Setting the Scene: The Initial State of ProSys

Setting the Scene: The Initial State of ProSys

Written by Kabileish

25 Jul 2024

Meet ProSys Innovations, a thriving company renowned for its exceptional products and services. Over the years, ProSys has scaled impressively, earning a respectable market position. However, despite its growth, the company has been grappling with several operational challenges:

  • Manual, paper-based processes: From order processing to customer service requests, much of ProSys’ workflow relies heavily on paper documents. This not only slows down operations but also increases the risk of errors.

  • Business units operating in silos: Different departments function independently with little to no interdepartmental communication, leading to inefficiencies and missed opportunities for collaboration.

  • Data scattered across various platforms: With no centralized system in place, accessing vital information is a time-consuming task, further hindering productivity.

  • Outdated legacy systems: Existing IT infrastructure is outdated and unable to support modern, efficient operations, resulting in frequent downtimes and maintenance issues.

The Decision to Transform: Partnering for Success

Recognizing the need to evolve, ProSys Innovations decided to embark on a comprehensive digital transformation journey. They partnered with Digital Horizons, a digital transformation consultancy renowned for their expertise in guiding companies through technology-driven change.

Digital Horizons proposed a phased approach, tailored to ProSys’ specific needs and current digital maturity. This strategy ensured that the company could progressively adapt to new technologies without overwhelming its operations or workforce.

Phased Initiatives for Digital Transformation

  1. Digitizing Paper-Based Processes and Workflows

ProSys replaced its paper-based processes with digital workflows. All physical documents were scanned and stored electronically. Then using Optical Character Recognition (OCR) and Intelligent Character Recognition (ICR), the contents of the scanned documents were turned into digital text that could be editable and searchable.


  • Increased Efficiency: Document retrieval time was reduced tenfold as all documents were centralised and easily searchable.

  • Reduced Errors: Automated workflows minimised manual data entry errors by 80%.

  • Cost Savings: Significant savings due to reduced paper usage and not needing to maintain a physical storage for paper archives.

  1. Migrating to the Cloud

Digital Horizons then migrated ProSys' office storage and file servers to a Cloud-based storage system. This shift eliminated the need for ProSys to manage their own on-premises IT infrastructure requiring a dedicated IT team, as well as expenses for physical space, power, and cooling systems. The Cloud-based storage system that they opted for also came with a suite of productivity tools for real-time collaboration on documents, presentations and spreadsheets.


  • Increased Productivity: 50% increase in productivity, enabling new working ways.

  • Cost Reduction: IT infrastructure costs reduced by 80% due to significantly reduced reliance on physical servers.

  • Remote Access and enhanced collaboration: Employees accessed files from anywhere, supporting flexible working conditions, and teams could work simultaneously on documents, enhancing productivity.

  1. Automating Workflows with Approvals and Alerts

Once all documents were digitised and centralised in the Cloud, Digital Horizons developed simple Automation tools and scripts to streamline approval processes. E-signatures were used to facilitate quick approvals, and alert systems ensured timely actions, where approvers received automated emails for documents requiring their attention.


  • Faster Turnaround: Approval times decreased by 70%.

  • Enhanced Accountability: Alerts and notifications improved task tracking and completion rates.

  • Improved Compliance: Automated records ensured audit trails and compliance with industry standards.

  1. Automating Monthly Management Reporting

Using cost-effective and open-sourced data analytics and business intelligence tools, Digital Horizons helped ProSys automate its management reporting. These tools pulled data from various sources, analysed it, and generated comprehensive reports, effectively creating a centralised Data Platform for Prosys.


  • Time Savings: Report generation time was significantly reduced, and efficiencies improved by at least 150% as personnel did not have to manually fill in spreadsheets anymore.

  • Data Accuracy: Automated data integration eliminated discrepancies.

  • Informed Decision-Making: Real-time insights led to more informed and timely business decisions.

  1. Implementing a Lean ERP Solution

Once the digital foundations were laid at Prosys, Digital Horizons introduced a lean ERP system to provide real-time operational visibility while enforcing Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) across business units. The system optimized and automated key processes such as production scheduling and execution, inventory management, procurement, and sales.


  • Operational Efficiency: SOP enforcement and process automation resulted in 2.5X increase in operational efficiency.

  • Reduced Inventory Costs: Improved inventory management reduced holding costs by 30%.

  • Scalability: The ERP system supported the company’s growth without requiring any additional resources, such as hiring more personnel to manage the ERP.

The Transformation Outcome

Today, ProSys Innovations stands as a testament to the power of digital transformation. The company has moved from a fragmented, inefficient state to a highly integrated, agile, and efficient operation. Here’s a snapshot of their journey:

  • Initial State: Manual processes, siloed departments, scattered data, and outdated systems.

  • Current State: Digitized and automated workflows, centralized data, enhanced collaboration, and modern IT infrastructure.

And the best part is, Digital Horizons helped them with the above initiatives using highly cost-effective, open-sourced tools, as opposed to expensive solutions that oftentimes come with unnecessary bells and whistles.  

However, the journey doesn’t end here. Digital transformation is an ongoing process of continuous improvement and innovation. ProSys Innovations, with the support of Digital Horizons, has embraced a culture of perpetual growth. This partnership allows ProSys to stay focused on its core business while continually evolving with the latest technological advancements.

Future Initiatives

Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools will be integrated into maintenance operations to predictively and proactively track equipment failures, where unplanned downtimes should decrease by 40%, and maintenance costs by 25% due to proactive interventions.

Internet of Things (IoT) devices and sensors will also be installed to monitor production lines and environmental conditions in real time to enable early detection of issues to prevent costly disruptions.

With all these digital changes, a comprehensive cybersecurity strategy will be implemented, including employee training and advanced threat detection systems. The aim will be to reduce security incidents by 80%, and to pass its first third-party security audit with flying colours.


ProSys Innovations’ story is a compelling example of how pragmatic digital transformation can revolutionise a business. By taking a phased, tailored approach, the company not only improved its efficiency and productivity but also positioned itself for long-term success in an ever-evolving digital landscape.

The lesson? Digital transformation isn't about chasing the latest tech trends. It's about thoughtfully applying technology to solve real business problems. It's a journey of constant evolution, where each step builds on the last, creating a foundation for future innovation.

If you’re ready to embark on a similar journey, partnering with a trusted digital transformation expert can be your first step towards a future-proof organisation.

The companies mentioned in this blog post, "ProSys Innovations" and "Digital Horizons," are fictional entities created for illustrative purposes. The statistics and improvement metrics shared in this post are derived from our past experiences on real projects. Any resemblance to actual companies or entities is purely coincidental.

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